Rupiah Education Made Fun & Immersive

Indonesians use Rupiah bills daily, but how much are they aware of the meaning behind it? Here’s how Bank Indonesia delivers the information in a fun way.


Bank Indonesia (BI) is the central bank of the Republic of Indonesia. Established in 1953, BI serves to maintain monetary stability and becomes the only institution that has the right to distribute Rupiah bills.


Behind every Rupiah bill, there are unique and philosophical designs that are embedded into it. The question is—how many Indonesians are aware of the meaning? And if BI wants to let people know, how do they deliver the whole message without being boring?


Instead of delivering plain information, BI collaborates with Assemblr to create an AR-based mobile game app called AR Rupiah. Bringing the concept of ‘treasure hunt’, people can simply download the app to explore the wonders of Indonesia and learn about the meaning of Rupiah bills in an immersive way!

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